Saturday, November 16, 2013

Away with the Negative - SUPER TYPHOON Haiyan/Yolanda

After the devastation and tragedy Super Typhoon Yolanda ( international name "Haiyan") left in the Philippines. A great number of people have an opinion. Unfortunately about the government's "inefficiency".

There aren't enough relief goods, medical aid, financial aid, etc. We all were affected by this at some point in the event of the storm. 

We were all informed in advance that it will come, yes, we know were it's path would be, yes, and we were warned that it's not going to be like the other typhoons we've experienced in our lifetime. It was "labeled" as the biggest typhoon the world has ever seen in history.

Let me just marinade on that fact. It is the "biggest typhoon the world has ever seen". The world is not prepared for this kind of category super storm. We've only seen these storms in the movies - science-fiction movies about what type of environmental Karma will we suffer for abusing our planet.

I am just a bit frustrated with people who have the nerve to criticize the way the government is supposedly "handling" the situation in the typhoon stricken-areas. Any government in the world is not prepared for this kind of catastrophe. Let me remind everyone that we are "labeled" as a third world country.  Incapable of responding to simple needs of our people, expected to have uneducated, unskilled people, famous for our boxing and housemaids. Please don't misunderstand my point. A superpower like the United States, failed to act quickly with hurricane Katrina's victims and their own government had their own share of "criticism" with the way they've responded to the situation. 

We are a small country in this big old world, trying to make our way to recovering from our own political and cultural wounds for more than a hundred years!  I don't understand why we need to be too critical about how the government is handling the relief and recovery operations. I am sure they are doing their best. They are under surveillance by every vigilant Filipino who "cares"   They have enough eyes on them already, not to mention the world! I am just saying, let us do our own little share of helping out. Old clothes, canned goods, water, emotional and spiritual support. Whatever we can. Let us be one as a nation as this symbol in Facebook says so. 
Be one to support the government for once with it's efforts. The non government agencies and organizations and the private groups and citizens that are now losing sleep, sacrificing their time to help others. Let us forget our pride, shut up and "nut up". Do our share my brothers and sisters, for our own sanity and peace of mind. 

Here is a link to Philippine Red Cross on how you can help.  Donate to Philippine Red Cross

Let us all pray for our brothers and sisters in Tacloban, Samar, the Visayas region and all of the affected areas of the super typhoon. Let us all hope that everyone will recover from this, let us show the world that we will rise from this adversity and be the Filipinos we are really known for. A nation of people who love being Filipinos, who love life and love each other where ever we are in the world. 

Make this year count not just in your Facebook and social media pages picture adventures but in our hearts and minds.
