Thursday, December 16, 2010

Vegie talkin about????

When I was a kid, my mom had the hardest time getting me to eat my vegies. I never thought I would be "turned on" to vegies ever in my life. Of course we all grow mature and learn the values of nutrition and health. After the year 2000 more and more people are looking into preventive health.
The most important part of preventive health care is maintaining good health habits. This includes:

  • In addition to these habits, some screening services may help prevent or minimize disease.

In my quest to better myself in terms of health I came across some herbal alternatives to improve all around health and well-being. I have been introduced to Morringa (Malunggay) and its natural healing abilities. Barley is also another popular alternative but the one that really got my interest is Wheatgrass. My mother and brother had fallen victim to the big "C" (cancer). So naturally I am terrified to be part of another statistic. I have learned that cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment and hearing that Wheatgrass is dubbed the "King of Alkaline food", I naturally wanted to try it.
Surprisingly it tastes good. For someone who shrieks at the thought of eating blended "greens" , I liked it. I am not crazy about vegetables and fruits. Yeah, I know , I know, you tree-huggers out there and vegetarians are thinking "this woman is crazy not to like vegies!". But I am trying folks! I am trying to better myself and I am starting with my insides (literally). I am not talking about inner beauty and sprituality- that's another topic/blog. I am talking about cleansing my body by drinking wheatgrass juice. I am lucky that I need not go to the grocery and buy the raw kind, buy a juicer and make it myself. That can be grueling and costly! I found a powdered juice that is great alternative to your carrot and tomato juices! You just get cold water from your fridge, open the packet and voila! You have a healthy drink!

I will keep you posted on the good and bad of drinking wheatgrass. Stay tuned.


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